Prayer for Writers
(taken from Saintly Support: A Prayer for Every Problem)

May the Lord guide me and all those who write for a living. Through your prayers, St. Frances de Sales, I ask for your intercession as I attempt to bring the written word to the world. Let us pray that God takes me in the palm of His hand and inspires my creativity and inspires my success. St. Francis de Sales, you understand the dedication required in this profession. Pray for God to inspire and allow ideas to flow. In His name, let my words reflect my faith for others to read. Amen.

Monday, August 4, 2008

More than a Feeling

Being a "cradle Catholic" is something I cherish. I remember my high school teacher saying how much she "enjoyed" going to Mass. Sure, I'd sometimes get the chills while singing, but it wasn't until my "awakening" that I could fully "enjoy" the Mass. Nobody tells me that I am a "good" person just for being me. It's not a fun social setting. There are no bubbles about for the children to pop. While I'm fortunate to belong to a parish with holy priests that tell us what we need to hear (notice I didn't say "want"), this is not the main reason I enjoy the Mass.

It took me most of my life to realize that I had to give a little to get a lot. I started paying attention to the words I was saying and hearing, I'd meditate on the Last Supper, the Passion and finally the Crucifixion. Imagine Mary holding her lifeless son, the same son that she loved from the moment he was conceived by the Holy Spirit. And here am I, an unworthy sinner, about to consume the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of the Son! What a gift!

So, you see, there's more to it than just a feeling. It's food for the soul. You just can't get that anywhere but the Catholic Mass.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

AMEN to that! Thanks for inspiring me and reminding me that being a 'cradle catholic' is a blessing!